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May 02, 2017
EUROMARFOR arrives at Casablanca

On the 1st of May, EUROMARFOR Task Group (EMF TG), arrived in Casablanca, Morocco for a scheduled port visit to participate in the Multi-cooperative Exercise 2017 with the Royal Moroccan Navy.

EMF has, during the past years, participated in several multi-cooperative exercises off the coast of Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean to conduct activities useful to improve mutual confidence, capabilities and best practices along with a fruitful dialogue and cooperation in the framework of maritime security and stability

The Multi-Cooperative Exercise 2017 (MCE 17) is a maritime live activity organized by EUROMARFOR and the Royal Moroccan Navy with the purpose to demonstrate the willingness to close relationship among Nations enhancing cooperation in maritime security.

The commander of the task group is Captain (Italian Navy) Vratogna assisted by an international staff. EMF TG is currently composed of the EMF group flagship, Italian frigate ITS Aviere, the Spanish frigate ESPS Numancia and the Portuguese frigate NRP Francisco de Almeida will berth at Casablanca up to the 3rd of May.

Fair winds for the mission!

 Pedro Borges   2017-05-03 13:50:18   567 / 217592;
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