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April 28, 2024
EUROMARFOR MCM TASK GROUP ongoing activation joined the Spanish MCM Exercise

The EUROMARFOR Task Group was activated on 8th of April, for 50 consecutive days, in order to participate on three major MCM exercises that will be conducted by the French, Spanish and Italian Navy (OLIVES NOIRES 24, SPANISH MINEX 24, ITALIAN MINEX 24).

The Spanish exercise MINEX 24, is designed to train participant units/staffs in planning and execution of MCM Task Group operations in mined coastal waters and harbor entrances, in order to allow freedom of navigation and freedom of action from the sea to mainland, in a demanding tactical scenario, under medium level asymmetric and hybrid threat

The EMF activation of 50 consecutive days was strongly desired by EMF nations to strengthen MCM tactical and technical knowledge in an asymmetric threat environment as well as enhancing the cooperation with other international maritime entities, thus strengthening the maritime security.


 EMFPC ORP   2024-04-29 12:31:11   169 / 228937;
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