On the morning of Wednesday 22nd September, in a ceremony on board LHD “Juan Carlos I”, the Admiral of the Fleet, Eugenio Díaz del Río Jaudenes, has assumed command of the European Maritime Force, EUROMARFOR, which until now had played the admiral of the French Marine Nationale Xavier Baudouard
Read moreIn the last 22th of september, it took place in Rota Naval Base the Fleet Commanders Meeting on board ESP LHD “Juan Carlos I”, with the following Admirals (from right to left):
Vice-admiral Enrico CREDENDINO (CINCNAV);
Vice-admiral Xavier BAUDOUART (ALFAN) former COMEUROMARFOR;
Vice-admiral Eugenio DIAZ DEL RIO (ALFLOT), current COMEUROMARFOR;
Rear-admiral Valentim RODRIGUES (Acting COMNAV).
The Fleet Commanders met and discussed the current situation and the possible future committments of this force, taking in account the actual geopolitical scenarios and the participation in Real Word Operations.
In the end the four Fleet Commanders agreed in uprising the use and commitment of this European Naval Force as a common tool.
The European Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR) was activated on April 24th 2021 at the Port-Mahon naval base in Menorca, Spain. It will participate in the international mine warfare exercise SPANISH MINEX 21 starting April 26th. Organized by the Spanish Navy in the western Mediterranean Sea, this exercise brings together many participants, including EUROMARFOR, the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Task Group 2 (SNMCMG2) and various other nations.
Read moreFrom May 28th to June 16th, an EUROMARFOR Task Group, composed by the French Frigate Courbet and the Italian Frigate Carabiniere, was engaged in an operational maritime theatre, under direct Operational Control of NATO.
Read moreOn 15th May, 1995, gathered in Lisbon, the Spanish, French and Italian ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs signed together the founding treaty of the European Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR); Portugal joined them a few months later.
Read moreOn Wednesday 20 November 2019, the 4th edition of the Sea-Bit exercise took place under the aegis of the European Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR). The purpose of this exercise was to establish a common surface situation between the four Naval Operation Centres (NOC) from the central Mediterranean area to the Atlantic (Toulon (France), Cartagena (Spain), Rome (Italy), Lisbon (Portugal)). In addition to the 4 NOCs, 3 warships were engaged : the French deep-sea patrol vessel Commandant Birot, the Italian destroyer missile launcher Andrea Doria and the Portuguese patrol vessel Hidra.
Read moreOn September 19th 2019 took place the European Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR) change of command ceremony aboard French assault amphibious ship “Tonnerre” docked in Toulon (France).
Read moreThe EUROMARFOR TASK GROUP (EMF TG) composed by ESPS VICTORIA and NRP Corte-Real, as flagship, completed the activities at sea with RMNS Tarik Ben Ziyad scheduled during the Multi-Cooperative Exercise 2019 with the Royal Moroccan Navy.
Read moreShort but intense period during the Port Visit in Casablanca for the EUROMARFOR (EMF) Task Group.
Read moreVice Admiral (PRT N) Henrique GOUVEIA e MELO was warmely recivied in Casablanca by Royal Moroccan Navy Sub- Ipector on occasion of the 5th Multi-cooperative exercise between EUROMARFOR and MOROCCO
Read moreThe Commander of Euromarfor task Group (CGEMF), Captain (PRT N) Salvado FIGUEREIDO, visited the Spanish Frigate ESPS Victoria that integrated for the entire period of the 42nd activation the task group under his command.
Read moreFor the 5th time since foundation the EUROMARFOR task group is going to conduct the multi-cooeprative exercise with Royal Moroccan Navy.
Read moreThe EUROMARFOR TASK GROUP accomplished completed the participation to the Portuguese Navy exercise CONTEX PHIBEX 19 .
Read moreThe portuguese exercise CONTEX-PHIBEX 2019 enters in its final stage with the tactical phase. The EMF TG is acting and training hard with COMEUROMARFOR onboard.
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