EMF TG dispersal after a fare well at sea
Read moreThe EUROMARFOR TASK GROUP leaves the Praia after the harbour phase to conduct combined sea activities with Cape Verde Armed forces
Read moreThe Euromarfor TG in Praia for the Multi-cooperative exercise 2018-2. During the harbour period the COMEUROMARFOR joined the Units to witness the activities and reinforce the importance of the presence of EMF in Cape Verde
Read moreThe EMF TG successfully completed the MCE with Islamic Republic of Mauritania and now is bound to Praia for a cooperation activity with Cape Verde Armed Forces
Read moreEMF Task Group is performing a proficuos cooperation activity in the framework of the Maritime Security during Multi-cooperative exercise 2018-1 (MCE 18-1).
Read moreCOMEUROMARFOR, ViceAdmiral Henrique Gouveia e Melo visits EMF TG during the Multi-Cooperative Exercise 2018-1 in Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Read moreCompleted the SWORDFISH 18 the EMF TG is approaching the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. During the transit FS Somme, ITS Scirocco, NRP Corte-Real and SPS Canarias will continue and intense training also wit the support of a French Navy Falcon 50 deployed in Dakar.
Read moreEMF Task Group completed the first part of the deployment at the endex of the portuguese exercise SWORDFISH 18
Read moreThe portuguese exercise SWORDFISH 18 enters in its final stage with the tactical phase. The EMF TG is playing and hard training and will be visited by the COMEUROMARFOR.
Read moreOn the 21st and 22nd of June, 2016, the Political-Military Working Group (POLMIL WG) of the EUROFORCES was held in Paris, under the Italian presidency, as Secretary nation of the Interministerial High Level Committee (CIMIN).
Read moreThe EUROMARFOR TG composed by NRP Corte-Real, FS Somme, ITS Scirocco and SPS Canarias, activates in Lisbon naval Base at the presence of the COMEUROMARFOR.
Read moreThe EUROMARFOR task group integrated in the Lisbon Harbour to take part to SWORDFISH 18 and after a in port warm-up sailed in the Atlantic Ocean for an advanced training.
Read moreITS SCIROCCO - Maestrale Class ASW Frigate will join the EUROMARFOR TASK GROUP in Lisbon to deploy during SWORDFISH 18 and Multi-Cooperative Exercises
Read moreAfter 23 years of experience, EUROMARFOR is today underway with 4 ships from the 4 EMF Nations (France, Italy, Portugal and Spain) demonstrating the will to cooperate and strengthen relationship with Mediterranean neighbours to benefit of all European Countries.
Read moreEUROMARFOR celebrates 23 years of activity since its foundation in Lisbon the 15 may 1995
Read moreSpanish Minex ends with farewell to the Euromarfor Mine Counter Measures task group before Units dispersal.
Read moreEUROMARFOR (EMF) is underway with 4 ships (FS Courbet, ITS Aviere, NRP Viana do Castelo and SPS Canarias) from theEMF Nations to participate in the Exercise Mare Aperto 2018 (MA18).
Read moreFrom the 30th of April, the EUROMARFOR Task Group is underway with ships from other NATO countries in a very demanding mine-counter measure exercise.
Read moreOn the 29th of April, EUROMARFOR Task Group arrived in Mahon, Spain to participate in the exercise Spanish Minex 18.
The exercise will mainly take place in Balearic Sea, off the Spanish Mediterranean coast, with the scope to train naval assets to conduct Mine Counter Measures (MCM) operations in support of a secure and safe maritime environment.
Read moreThe Multi-Cooperative Exercise 2018 (MCE 18-1) is a maritime live activity organized by EUROMARFOR and the Mauritanian Navy with the purpose to demonstrate the willingness to close relationship among Nations enhancing cooperation in maritime security.
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